Happy New Year! 2022- In Review
Well what a year 2022 has been! Last January, when we first began developing the Locksmith’s Dream, none of us had any idea how this year would go. We looked on it as an experiment. Would it work? Could we work together? Would people be interested? As it turns out the answer to all of these is a resounding YES!
Despite frustrations (including the website falling over on launch day!), it has been an amazing journey. We have been fortunate to find and build a fantastic team of people who are a delight to work with and enthusiastic about what we are doing. Our guests of 2022 were likewise an amazing bunch of people. We are so grateful that you took a risk to attend our first year of events – especially the wonderful Beta attendees who were our guinea pigs! We learned a lot. Especially about time! Despite time in Treowen being a bit sideways –real world time moves in a linear fashion and always too quickly!
The Locksmith’s Dream team
Saturnalia and Yule were beautuiful and snow-covered affairs and the final evening’s wassail was a folk-horror delight complete with sinister ritual and mulled perry. The fires burned brightly — especially the hearth in the Flint and Wheel fed by the enormous Yule log! Cocktails were consumed, puzzles solved and fine food devoured.
As well as the most adorable teeny tiny model of Treowen which she made because she needed a break from cutting the complicated roof:
2023 — To the Future
We are delighted to say we get to do it all again! Our year of experiment was a success so 2023 is on! We will be officially announcing dates on our social media in a few days — so keep your eyes peeled. But the one exciting thing we can announce here is The Locksmith’s Dream Ball.
This special event will take place at Treowen on April 1st. We will have a dance teacher joining us to teach during the day — so no prior experience is required — and in The House of the Moon, there will be a masked ball for all guests. This will follow much of the same principles of the Locksmith’s Dream, but will introduce some new stories, characters and mysteries to solve. Who knows what secrets may be revealed by a masked partner. At this time, there is only one ball planned — so get in early to secure your place.
Shiny things…
Additionally, we will be opening up ‘The Curator’s Cabinet’. This will be a place for you to acquire your Locksmith’s Dream curios — beginning with the sponsor badges. Each of the sponsors for guests at the Locksmith’s Dream have their own character and style. Each guest receives a badge from their sponsor. These beautifully designed, enamel badges are soon to be available to purchase either individually or in a beautifully packaged set. We will also have a new Locksmith’s Dream badge available. Keep your eyes on the socials or sign up to the Newsletter to be the first to know about these exciting opportunities as they happen.
Dream Carefully.